




溯源系列 I - 角色姓名與現實歷史與神祕學的關聯性 - 塔羅會篇(上)




  • 這篇稍微有點長,雖然也只有塔羅會的前四人而已(後四人今晚更)。

  • 不含編外天使的四位。

  • 沒有世界,格爾曼.斯帕羅還有道恩.唐泰斯這兩個馬甲名字分別在五海篇和貝克蘭德篇會單獨解釋。,雖然梅林我還沒想好他到底得算在哪篇(等等

  • 本篇會大量使用英文原文,難度不高,但會用中文解釋大意跟重點。

奧黛莉.霍爾 Audrey Hall

其實這名字是真有其人,牙買加的一名雷鬼歌手就叫Audrey Hall,姓名的溯源直接從英文看會更好理解。

以奧黛莉這名字單就中文來看應該是來自女星奧黛麗.赫本與同樣名為 Audrey 的女星們,但就英文來看的話該名字原本的意義為:

The name Audrey is a girl's name of English origin meaning "noble strength".

Audrey is derived from the Anglo-Saxon Aethelthryth, the name that later evolved into Ethelred. St. Audrey was a seventh century saint who was particularly revered in the Middle Ages. Her name led to the term tawdry, as cheap lace necklaces were sold at the St. Audrey fair. Shakespeare bestowed her name on a character in As You Like It.


The name Audrey is a girl's name of English origin meaning "noble strength".

奧黛麗(Audrey) 這個名字是一個英語名的女孩名,意思是「高貴的力量」。




English, Scottish, Irish, German, and Scandinavian: from Middle English hall (Old English heall), Middle High German halle, Old Norse holl all meaning ‘hall’ (a spacious residence), hence a topographic name for someone who lived in or near a hall or an occupational name for a servant employed at a hall. In some cases it may be a habitational name from places named with this word, which in some parts of Germany and Austria in the Middle Ages also denoted a salt mine. The English name has been established in Ireland since the Middle Ages, and, according to MacLysaght, has become numerous in Ulster since the 17th century.

重點來說,"In some cases it may be a habitational name from places named with this word"這句,可能是暗示霍爾家的封地就是類似地形?確實巨龍沉眠之地會像大廳也挺合理的,且本身這也是預計的第二部支線。





阿爾杰.威爾遜 Alger Wilson


阿爾傑·希斯(英語:Alger Hiss;1904年11月11日-1996年11月15日),美國政府官員,他於1948年被指控為蘇聯間諜,並於1950年被指控作偽證,入獄五年。



The name Alger is a boy's name of English origin meaning "clever warrior".


而阿爾杰這名字在古英語中也有“ Elf spear”(精靈矛)或“Wearing a mustache”(有鬍子的)兩重意義,就精靈血統這點來說應該是取 Elf spear 的意涵。

The saga of the name Wilson begins among the Viking settlers who arrived in Scotland in the medieval era. The name Wilson is derived from the personal name William. The name literally was derived from the patronymic expression son of William or son of Wil. 

"The family are said to be descended from a Prince of Denmark, and were established at a very remote period in the Orkney islands, intermarrying with the clans of Monro, and others. After a long continuance in the north, alliances taking place with some of the principal Lowland families, the Wilsons moved southward. " 





戴里克.伯格 Derrick Berg

終於到了名字一看就是日耳曼人的小太陽part,說來 Derrik 這名字是變體,是源自德語名的 Derek 再愛爾蘭化後的英文名,原文名意義為:

The name Derek is a boy's name of German origin meaning "the people's ruler".

其意義為「人民的統治者」,對應後來小太陽確實成為統領新白銀城的長老暨愚者教會主教這點,確實達到 Derek 這名字本來的意涵了。

其名也可能有捏他到斯拉夫神話的太陽神戴伯格 / Dajbog。

The ancient German region of the Rhineland, gave birth to the family name of Berg. At first, people used only a single name, but as the population grew and people began to travel, they began to find it necessary to take on an additional name to differentiate themselves. Fairly general principles guided the development of hereditary surnames in the Rhineland. Among the most common forms of surname found in the Rhineland are those that are derived from nicknames. Nickname surnames were derived from an "eke-name" or added name. They usually reflected the physical characteristics or attributes of the first person that used the name. The name was derived from the German word "burc," which means a "fortified town." The surname Berg was a name for a person who lived in a town.


The name was derived from the German word "burc," which means a "fortified town." The surname Berg was a name for a person who lived in a town.

該名稱源自德語單詞“ burc”,意為「堅固的小鎮」。伯格姓氏是一個住在城鎮的人的名字。





佛爾思.沃爾 Fors Wall

來自書友圈的龍套樓角色名之一,捏他自第四道牆/Fourth Wall,確實學徒的基本能力就是在任何牆上開「門」,第四道牆可能指佛爾思跟烏賊本人還有眾多狒狒們的高度同質性吧(不是)

但也因為是龍套的命名,加上英譯取的是 Fors 這種純粹的空想名,明明拼寫成 Phors 就是一個有跡可循的名字了……總之單就名字來說是無法進行正常溯源的。

The origins of the Wall name come from when the Anglo-Saxon tribes ruled over Britain. The name Wall was originally derived from a family having lived near a stone-built wall. Wall is a local surname, which belongs to the category of hereditary surnames. Other types of local surnames include topographic surnames, which could be given to a person who lived beside any physical feature, such as a hill, stream, church or type of tree. Habitation names form the other broad category of surnames that were derived from place-names. They were derived from pre-existing names for towns, villages, parishes, or farmsteads. Other local names are derived from the names of houses, manors, estates, regions, and entire counties. The surname Wall referred to a person who lived beside a large stone wall, which was used either for the purpose of fortification, or to keep back the encroachment of the sea. Members of the Wall family were established in Gloucestershire prior to the Norman Conquest of England, in 1066. By the time of the Conquest, they were major landholders in that county.


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